We are returning to rehearsals – in a small form as allowed so far.

Please be aware, that we are very limited to our numbers in the Village Hall and that anyone who is in a vulnerable group should think about whether it is safe for them to join sessions. If you’re keen to participate but are vulnerable – we may be able to find cameo roles or other activities not involving the village hall in the development of ‘Cinderella – Not Quite a Panto’.

ELAPs leaders have undergone specific COVID-19 training, met (socially distanced) and spent a long time putting place the measures that keep everyone safe.

Participation in this project is entirely optional and if you feel unwell you MUST NOT attend rehearsals. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 then you MUST inform the ELAPS committee immediately. Please be aware that if a fellow member is diagnosed and you’ve been at a session with them recently you may be required to self-isolate.

For a run down of the new procedures please download our procedures document.

To know why we are implementing these, please also read our full risk assessment and take note of the control measures. Thanks to all members who have contributed to this, please be aware that the assessment will be updated as needed over the coming few months.

Graeme has also compiled some very helpful graphics that summarises our approach:

Now you have read the guidance and risk assessment, we require everyone who is attending sessions to register using a Google Form. You only need to do this once, unless your contact details change during the project, in which case please do it again. If a member is under 16 then a parent/carer must complete the form with them and provide consent.

A link to the pre-project registration form:


Additional note for Parent/Carers: You will not be allowed in the village hall unless there is space in our limited numbers. We have safeguarding procedures in place as usual and will ensure appropriate numbers of DBS checked adults too.

Here’s the document downloads: